Friday, December 16, 2011

Life lost too young.........

Today I heard of a student of mine at the age of 14 lost his life due to complications after having surgery. It is so hard and sad to say good bye but even more so for a student you loved and watch grow. Here at Schramm Educational Center, it happens more often than any of us want to live through but this time....this student...was and always will be very special to me. I fell in love with him when I began working with him down in Manito 9 years ago. He was ornery. He was sometime hard to confined in one area but he was so happy. He became as my own child. We are not suppose to have favorites but he was given that by the corners of my heart. He taught me how to accept others that are different....different in a way that is not threatening or hurting of others. He taught me how to see past so much. He taught me how special a soul can be that is hidden in a body that was not developed as we call typical or "normal". That soul is free now. That soul is being held in the arms of Jesus...that soul will forever be connect to my soul in which it taught so much. Please pray for his family and for all those who were touched by his very very short and beautiful life!!

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